September 7, 2010

Project Ideas

Here are 30 ideas for photography projects
  1. roadkill - I have seen many an animal for the first time, unfortunately, lying on the side of the road
  2. eats - what people bring to lunch
  3. roadside memorials - flowers, photos, and crosses
  4. the hunt - study of a Texas bow hunter
  5. sol of Austin - monday night at TCs
  6. solo - portrait of a minority in mason, TX
  7. cowbirds - pesky birds that are trapped and killed to help out local bird populations
  8. thriftstore junkies - interesting shoppers and their purchases
  9. hand painted billboards - plenty sprinkled throughout Indian reservations
  10. nooks - hiding places, treehouses, clubhoses
  11. exotics in Texas - ranches and pet owners with outlandish animals
  12. back to the bayou - Cocodrie, Louisiana 
  13. The Steps - young rock band
  14. day digger - my Ant Budgie finding treasures in dirt and mud
  15. the guru followers - people who follow gurus and their teachings (I know a few through someone) 
  16. cactus study - far away and up close black and white shots of these crazy plants we are surrounded by 
  17. Dr. Barth - life of a retired professor I know who is a fascinating person to say the least
  18. my mom and brother - the reintroduction of life together after my brothers battle with addiction and move home
  19. back to memphis - my fathers birthplace and the memories that he treasures most from there
  20. bangs - the latest hair craze
  21. my favorite trees - this cold be endless
  22. city in my heart - New Orleans, the music, the people, the places, the grub... also endless
  23. Baton Rouge dives - Fleur-de-lis, ays BBQ, Pastime Pizza 
  24. Super S - west Texas grocery store that has some bizarre workers and patrons
  25. my neighbor Pete - he has watched Austin grow for years and maintained the beautiful creek behind my house in the meantime
  26. light through trees - natures stained-glass like affect has always fascinated me 
  27. scars - tiny and large 
  28. caves entrances - plethora around Texas
  29. banding - bird banding in west Texas 
  30. graveyard treasrues - what people leave behind for their loved ones 

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